me and my mom

me and my mom
us in the car this summer (2011)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Alex's Bag

I've been out of projects to work on so Alex said she wanted one. it has purple plaid lining, with a green outside, and alot of pockets. it also has dragon fly, and butterfly charms with matching handsanitizer, a big purple bow, and since she has a portable CD player, a CD player pocket so she can carry it around. She is almost blind with out her glasses, but she likes sun glasses too so i made a glasses case pocket for her to keep her normal glasses in and when she takes off her sun glasses she has a separate hook to put it on. So she can make an easy switch. :) Whenever she needs her keys they are buried at the bottom of her bag so i made a hook at the top for her keys so they will always be in reach! She definitely looks cute with her bag! ;)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Newest bags

for my newest bag i wanted to go for a girly pink summer bag. you know with a big sparkly bow and everything. :) it only took 2 or 3 hours to make today. i think it's pretty cute... and it's very me. LOL i will be looking for some new fabric to make another one.

My friend Jen wanted a bag, after i told her I'm into designing and making bags. she came over and gave me a sketch of what she wanted. it's kind of a punk goth style. i stuck pretty close to what she wanted, but since i was using left over fabric from previous things i didn't really have to many options. for normal people, i would charge them for the bag (mostly to cover the cost of making it) but i didn't want to make her pay for it, and i don't have much money to spend on it right now so i looked through some tubs to find fabric and i used old jewelry for the chains. i stayed up until 2:00 am making it so i don't think i did to bad. i used durable thread and fabric (she really uses her bags and hats to the fullest extent) LOL. if anything the accessories might get loosened, but i can just fix them if they fall off. and i know she hates hand sanitizer, but i couldn't help putting one on in the hopes that she may use it, or keep it on just for looks. LOL

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Attempts at fishing (LOL)

There is nothing like fishing with grandpa. it's very relaxing just being on the water listening to the waves and the birds. unfortunately, the fish have not been biting. we had attempts, but they got off the line before we got them in the boat. :( last time we went, i was the dud and got no fish while Alex got the record of 2 decent size bass. Grandpa caught a couple bass on both trips.
(He is the expert of coarse.) on our last trip, we got some "sun" (more like we were smacked around by the sun.... alot) and i caught the only fish.... a tiny perch. :) not too bad. at least i caught something. the funniest part is, the water visibility was so clear that day, we saw huge groups of bass and carps. Huge fish too! they just wouldn't bite. Even though we didn't really catch anything we still had an amazing time, and i can't wait for our next fishing trip!

Alex's 6th Grade Graduation!!!!

Today was Alex's graduation!!! she is officially in Jr. High! i can't believe it. what's even worse, is i didn't get to go, because i had a chemistry regents exam which was so disappointing. of all the days, it had to be today. at least mom took alot of pictures so i could see what happened. i did her make-up, she's wearing one of my dresses, and i picked out the hair style. (mom put up the french twist though. LOL) she definitely looked grown up. she's very pretty isn't she? (and a little dramatic in some of the pictures when it comes to posing... not that i am like that...) ;) Not only did she look fabulous, but she got the most awards out of everyone in the entire 6th grade! she got awards that were made because of her!!! how incredible. i can't wait for her to get into high school with me. that will be SO much fun!!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Newest projects

I really liked the way one of my bags looked, so i decided to make one of my own. it looks better in person but it still is cute. the red bow goes on the inside, but it slipped out for the pics. on my other bag, i didn't have a place to put my hand sanitizer, so i made a place for it on my new bag! it's very comfortable, and i have the materials for a pink one. i love the burgundy beads with the sea star charm on the pocket. i will definitely be making more of these bags.

i used the pattern on my bed to decorate the curtain.
top trim
closet curtain
closet curtain

i've been pretty bored of my room lately, so i did a total redecoration! it looks kind of like a living room more now. while moving stuff around i found a long green bed sheet and threw it over in the corner. when i was done, i didn't like the way my closet looked with the new style and i wanted to cover it. so it took me from 10:00 pm to 12:25 am, then from 1:00 this afternoon to 3:00 to finish this closet curtain. every brown piece of fabric was hot glued. do you know how much patients it takes to glue all those little pieces? LOL.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Nightengale Shining Stars Talent Show!

little kids doing the tengo... aren't they adorable!

My sister was one of the announcers for the talent show. (i helped her with the outfit + make up) isn't she so cute!!! she looks so amazing in that outfit. probable the best act of the night was these little pre-school kids doing a tengo. all of the 35 acts were pretty much the same ether singing or dancing or some random magic act.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chill'n with friends

Not much has happened lately. school has two days left then final exams.... yay! (sarcasm) we have weird animal names for each other. (don't ask) i'm a koala bear. :) i'm so excited for summer vacation. here is some stuff that me and my friends do after school. pretty weird huh?

"Worm Races!!!"

"Chill'n under a tree"

Monday, June 6, 2011

Heritage Day!

Heritage Day was SO much fun!!! First off was the parade (starring MHS marching band + flag squad)

"Marching band + Flag Squad"

"Marching band + Flag Squad"

Mr. Beckstead + band
me, alex, and dad waiting in line to ride the horses (i'm the one in the huge sunglasses)
me on a horse
me again on a horse
alex on a horse
alex again on the horse
(no this is not me.... can't you see he's not wearing huge glasses.... duh. LOL) ;) this is a donkey that was in the petting zoo pen. i wanted to ride it but i don't think they'd let me

After the parade, me and Aimee went around taking the free pens and such from tables. (i hit the jackpot! i'll be set on pens for a while) LOL ;)..... then we listened to my sisters elementary school band play. they were pretty good. definitely brings me back, when we had to play at the festival. :) Best day ever!