me and my mom

me and my mom
us in the car this summer (2011)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Trying to Lose weight or get into cheerleading?

(These are not pictures of our team.... they are from my booklet of "The Basics Of Cheerleading")

If you want to lose weight and be skinny for next year, or just want to get back in shape. i will be helping anyone who comes to me. i have lost 15 pounds so far, and i know it's hard . it's easier with other people though. :)

Want to be a cheerleader next season? don't mind helping with that ether. :) some people need longer training time than others. it's ok though. Cheerleading takes alot of physical strength just to let you know. i give people who want to practice a booklet of terms, and counts, and pictures. i take cheerleading seriously as a sport. most people disagree, and i dont mind if you do too. it is very dangerous, if you are careless. so if you just want to test it, thats ok i'll show you some stuff so you can deside if it's for you.

You have to want to do ether of these things. i will help keep you on track, and lose the weight/ learn cheerleading. i am NOT going to hunt you down and find you to tell you we have to practice/ excercise. i am not going to boss you around. i have free time, and it is valuable. i would LOVE to use my time to help you with these things. So if your interested please come to me. i also love making new friends so if i don't know you, don't be shy. :)

If enough people are interested, i will post practices/ workout days on this blog. when cheer season starts, i will post games, practices, fundraisers, etc. If you need to contact me you can also leave comments. You just scroll down and look to the left side of the pictures, until you find a list of previous blog entries. you click on "Trying to Lose Weight or get into Cheerleading?" and at the bottom of this entry. Or just click on the title up above and it will take you to the page, and leave a comment. i will answer your comment ether that day, or the next day. :)

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