me and my mom

me and my mom
us in the car this summer (2011)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Parade

Yeah! the day finally came. it was a very HOT one too. many of us got heat stroke and passed out. over all we did pretty well. if anything we couldv'e been louder. It was very fun for me....(IDK how everyone else felt about it, but it was amazing... of coarse i didn't pass out from heat stroke, so i had a different experience.)
We have another parade this Saturday (Heritage Festival), and are meeting at 8:00 a.m.!!!!! Way too early for my taste, but then again i've had to wake up at 6:00 a.m. for cheer competitions. (to meet at the school and get ready.) it really could be worse i guess.

Me (the sun was in my eyes so i couldn't see)
Flag Squad and marching band behind us
marching band
marching band

"Raiders of the Lost Ark March"

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